Sunday, July 25, 2010

When meeting the stars is in the stars

Now I'm not one to get all hot and bothered over a "star" so this little "Krush" I have on Kellan Lutz is a little new and a bit weird to me. I've met rockstar after rockstar, and a handful of movie stars too, and pretty much nothing. Maybe a short conversation or a drink at the bar and a few autographs but that's it.
Oh, there was the next door neighbor in San Francisco, that was the basest for that rock band... OK, I'll admit it, I was impressed with her. When I walked into her apartment for the first time she had gold and platinum records hanging on the wall over her couch and photos of her with, if I remember correctly, The Rolling Stones. To my surprise she was not in some little garage band, touring churches, dive bars and playing anywhere they could get a free meal. I wonder what ever happened to her???
Anyway, This last spring I thought I had died and gone to Twi-nerd heaven. I went to a Twilight convention! -I know, I know... It's hard to look "normal" when you are going to any kind of convention that involves characters from a book, TV show or movie. So, here I am breaking the news to you all now...I've never been standardly "normal" by almost anyones definition.- OK, I knew it would be nerdy and fun, so for my first vacation away from my kids this was right up my alley.
I drove down to Los Angles with a friend and we had a blast. By Saturday night, we both had to admit we were having WAY more fun then we thought we were going to. Then there was Sunday... rather then try to explain what that day was like I'm just going to let you read what I wrote for my TM sister that Sunday night.

Honestly for the first time in my life I had a total fangirl moment, of course it was with Kellan! I've met many musical and movie stars and he absolutely stole my heart. He was so sweet and friendly I was actually taken aback!
When I first met him I was there in the morning to get my picture taken with both him and Peter. Before the photo he stopped for a minute to check out the necklace I was wearing. (It had a picture of Bella and Edward at prom on it.) He asked about it being a picture of "Rob" and I told him how one of my Twilight Mom friends made it for me. What struck me was that he really stopped to take a second and notice such a little detail and connect with a fan.
Then he had his interview session with (and then without Peter). God, if I was just 12 years younger... he is absolutely dreamy!!! He comes across so positive and loving. It didn't matter if he was talking about his dog Kevin, or his grandparents in Arizona, he spoke with such passion and tenderness.
Finally, I went to the "brunch" with both of them... The open seat at our table was next to me. Once I realized that was where they would both be sitting I was thrilled! So, Peter came to chat and he was great! I had made baseball cookies with "Cullen" written on them and he was super into them. I had made about 150+ cookies (6 different designs) for this event and some of them had found their way to the green room. Well, I guess cookies were the right move on my part because his kids where there and loved them, and he actually wanted to take the ones on the table with him when he left. Of course I said yes and told him I actually had a whole bag of them for him in my room that I had planned to bring down later during the signing for him. He seemed pleased as punch.
Then Kellan came and sat down with us. He was also into the cookies and when I gave him the bag of them he asked if he could open one up. Of course I said yes but also offered him a piece of mine that I had already broken into. So, he reached over broke off a piece and popped it into his mouth. From there we sat knees touching under the table chatting away. First, who wants to guess where that cookie is right now? LOL! I'm not going to keep it forever but I had to show my 14 year old. Second, Normally if I was sitting knees smashed up against some man under the table (and yes it was crowded, I wasn't just being creepy) I would go out of my way to move but since it was him, and he didn't make any effort to move, I just sat there and enjoyed the moment. The best part was before he left he took a second to sign my Twilight book. He wasn't able to stay for signing in the afternoon and he really wasn't signing anything for anyone else but in a quick moment before he moved onto the next table grabbed my pen and signed away.
He was just a doll!!! My heart now beats a little faster for Kellan!!!

And the cookie, I'll admit it, it is still here. I don't seem to have the heart to toss it... Oh, but here it is preKellen :)

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