Thursday, July 29, 2010

A different kind of gift

My grandmother and I have always been very close. Since I became a mom 15 years ago we've become even closer. I also live 2 minutes away from her house and have been her little errand girl for some time now. Well, with her passing I had one of those Ah-ha moments yesterday that kind of helped me.
Before my grandmother passed this weekend we had been talking about how we had been thinking about my Great Aunt Helen who had passed. She kept thinking she was seeing my aunt out of the corner of her eye, and was dreaming of her so much it was really standing out in her mind. That very day I had seen a flitter of white out my bedroom that looked like a white butterfly. But when I looked nothing was out there. Then when I walked into the kitchen the same thing happened again out the back door. For some reason that made me think of my Aunt Helen. Then when she passed we were picking out her outfit and I told my mom and Aunt we should bury her with a purse and her makeup, and some other fun things. What bag did I happen to find first, one covered in Butterflies. Then my Aunt had me try on a ring and asked me to wear it for her since it didn't fit her and it is an Opal and gold butterfly. (Opal was my Grandmas birthstone.) Around this time I finally said, OK Auntie Helen I get it and laughed to myself. As I am telling my family this story I see another butterfly over my Aunt's shoulder. Later my DD opened a jewelry box and found 4 or 5 butterfly pins. What was so weird is this must be all the stuff she had in the whole house because she wan't really a butterfly person. I never thought of either my Aunt or grandmother that way but it all started when my Grandma and I were talking about my Aunt.
So, I've decided that was my sign and somehow as sad as I am that makes it a heck of a lot easier thinking my Aunt was there waiting for her.