Monday, July 19, 2010

It's hard to explain!

I have lots of Twimom friends who totally indulge my passion for all things Twilight, especially my little "Krush on Kellan". My family just accepts my Twi-love as one of my charming eccentric characteristics. But then I have to go out in the "real" world where not everyone understands... it's sad to have to hide this part of who I am and the passion I have because others are so judgmental. It's hard to have people question my character because they don't understand Stephenie's. It's even harder when those people are my friends...
With my chin up I move forward. I will live my life with no apologies! And the little voice inside my head is that of my grandmother. She is reminding me how short life is and telling me to Be Happy! Can anyone really blame me if Stephenie's stories, my Twilight Moms and Kellan Lutz makes me happy? I mean if nothing else have you all seen Kellan Lutz?
So, grams... I am trying to live my life and be happy. To bad so many others feel the need to judge and criticize others just to get by day by day. Clearly, they don't know the love of Stephenie's gift.


  1. It is hard to be a Twifan as an adult. It is hard to come across other people who understand. Once you find those people you hold on to them like gold! They are precious people in our lives who we can just be ourselves with and we don't have to hide our (addiction) passions from. (HLV)

  2. And funny enough, it's that what we are all looking for. We all just want people in our lives who we can just be ourselves with...
