Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thank you!!!

This sweet treat is for all of you!!! That's right just for you! I made this cake being inspired by the one in the New Moon book for Bella's 18th birthday. You see I started this blog not knowing if anyone would ever look at it. I really... really, wondered if I would be writing for anyone other then me. So, tonight as I logged on wondering just what it was I was going to right and who would be reading it, I saw that there are now 11 of you following my story. Now, after just two weeks I see Stephenie's gift was even greater then I imagined. She's now also brought me you!
I hope you all check in as you can and comment when the mood strikes you. I love to hear other peoples stories and know when I've struck a cord with someone else.
For tonight though it is late. My Twi-dreams are awaiting me and so is my soft warm bed. BUT... before I go I must thank you all for joining me on this new adventure. I hope I make it worth your while!


  1. Lisa Ann I love your blog! I've only just "met" you but I love your posts and reading your ideas.

  2. Thanks my friend... I love sharing and hearing from you all too!
