Saturday, October 23, 2010

A haunted Halloween card exchange...

The part of making the exchange cards I like the most is being creative. I love trying to think up different angles on the story and characters we know so well. Over the past year doing the card exchanges I have also incorporated my own little fanfic pieces. Since none of you got my cards (well, maybe one or two of you but for the most part none of you.) I thought I post what I included in them.

First a letter from Angela to Bella:
September, 2010
Dear Bella,
How are you? I miss you madly!!! I heard you got really sick while you and Edward were on your honeymoon! Gosh, that had to be the WORST! But before that, was it everything you had dreamed of? I want to hear about where you went and everything you did. Knowing the Cullen’s I am sure it was totally over the top. Knowing how crazy in love Edward is with you I’m sure it was super romantic and beautiful! I have to hear all about it!
Getting ready for school has been nuts. Ben and I both still have so much to do and yet we leave in 2 more days. Just when we think we have everything wrapped up the school sends us something else and of course there is one, or ten, more things to do. Are you and Edward still going to go to New Hampshire? I know school doesn’t start there for almost a month. I hope you are feeling better by then!
I wish we could hang out before I have to leave but Alice said you are still contagious and have lost your voice and everything. So, anyway that is why I am writing you. I figured if I couldn’t see you I could at least make sure to say goodbye before I took off. You know you really are the best friend I’ve ever had. You never made me feel weird or like and outsider, and in our high school that was huge! You were always honest with me and most importantly always watched out for me. Somehow you always knew just what to say, or not say. You moving up here from Arizona may have been hard for you but was a total gift for me. I love you!
So, now for the… the hard part…
I have something I have wanted to tell you for a little while now. It is something about my family that I found out kind of recently myself. Do you remember how I told you my mom moved her from Massachusetts before I was born? I told you about her three sisters who were coming out for my 18th birthday, and how they had never been able to come all the way out here before so it was a big deal for my mom and all of us. Well they came… Oh, Bella, I wish I could talk to you right now!
OK here it is, my aunts are witches. I know, it sounds totally crazy! I really couldn’t believe it myself at first but they actually really are. Not like big nose, green skin storybook witches but real witches! They make potions and cast spells and everything. Not the bad kind though. They kind of are like old fashion medicine woman with a little extra… something. Do you know what I mean? Am I totally freaking you out?
AND, are you ready for this? They are like 99.9% sure I am going to be one too! I’m not sure how I feel about it and it is kinda weirding me out. Apparently it kind of skipped my mom and somehow I got it, this…gift. My mom saw some signs, I guess you would call them (although she they haven’t totally explained that to me either) and new she had to call my aunts so they could explain this all to me, and teach me the things I need to know, but I am no quite ready yet, although I don’t really understand that totally either.
I haven’t talked to about this is Ben yet but he always tells me how I’m so “magical” maybe he is more right then he thought. LOL! He also doesn’t know this yet but during winter break I will be doing an “internship” on the East Coast. I think for now I am just going to tell him it is for school for now but my Aunts want to have me spend a week or two with each of them. One of my Aunts actually lives in New Hampshire too! So, if all goes well and you guys end up in school there like you had planned I would love to see you two.
I know this is all a lot to take in but if you could just keep this between us for know I would appreciate it. I just want to be able to tell Ben before anyone else knows. Feel free to write or email me. I’ll understand if you don’t though. I hope this isn’t freaking you out! Somehow I just have faith you of anyone will somehow understand.
Love you,

And in return a Halloween card from Bella to Angela. This came with a photo of Renesmee and some sweet little treats and a Twilight pin:

October 2010
Oh Angela,
How did I not guess? Don’t worry; I am not freaked out at all! Funny enough in the crazy world we live in I’m honestly not even that surprised. Is that even weirder then you being a witch altogether? Forks must have some crazy magic because nothing has ever been quite like it seems.
So, how are you, school and things with Ben? Have you told him yet? I wish we were going to be in New Hampshire while your were there, but we’ve decided with me getting so sick and everything we are going to put moving off until next semester. The school was really understanding with me getting sick and then us taking in Nessie, so we will be going out at the end of January.
My life with the Cullen’s… well now as a Cullen, has even worked it’s magic on me. I never thought I could be this happy! Esme, remodeled a little cottage for us in the woods behind the big house. Edward and I love being close to them but still having our privacy. Since we’ve come home things have been pretty crazy, lots of visitors but now most of them have gone.
Well, all of them have gone except for one. Edward had a sister he was not raised with. He hardly even knew her because they were both so young when their parents passed. Just as they found each other again she had an accident while we were in Brazil. It was just so sad, just as Edward had found his sister she passed away. The only family she had besides Edward, was her beautiful daughter Renesmee. So, of course Edward and I knew we had to take her in, and of course Carlisle and Esme totally agreed. So, in just one summer I graduated High School, got married, got deathly ill and became an Aunt/Mom. –I’m sending a picture of our little monster too. Isn’t see is a doll? We just love her and the whole house revolves around her now.
With Halloween just weeks away I am actually making a Halloween costume for the first time in like 6 years. Nessie (that is what everyone calls her) must be hanging out with Jacob and the kids on the reservation to much -He is like the new supper nanny, who knew!?!- because she wants to be a wolf. You know all those tribe legends! So, I got the ears, and tail made. The rest is going to be the real challenge though because I so don’t sew!
Well, Nessie is going to be up from her nap soon. I should go and get her snack ready and the clothes out of the drier before she is up and running again. Write or email me anytime. Phone calls are almost a lost cause with Nessie’s busy little body around but I do seem to be able to sneak in a email or letter here and there.
Ang, I know everything will work out for both of us! Hang in there and know I am here anytime you need to talk, vent or just share.

Then inside the card "Bella made Angela" She wrote, "Dear Angela, So, I have to ask are you going out as a good or bad witch this year? LOL! Edward wants me to go out with him as a vampire. That is what he always goes as. Miss you! Love, Bella"

And so now I wish you all the Twitacular Halloween, filled with visits from Vampires, Werewolves and Witches galore!

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